While we are a small business we are also fortunate to be strategically located in the agri-food chain of the fruits that we process, where we can make a difference to lives and livelihoods of several small growers.
Continued certification to standards like FLO Fairtrade and Organic certifications are a reflection of our commitment to respect people and the planet. These standards incorporate rigorous social, environmental and economic compliances and ensure safe, healthy working conditions, protect the environment, enable transparency, and empower communities.
When a customer chooses products with these labels, their day-to-day purchases can improve an entire community’s day-to-day lives and we are proud to play an key part in the agri-food chain of Fairtrade and Organic Certified raw materials like Mango, Guava and Papaya.
We are also a member of SEDEX. SEDEX is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving ethical improvements in global supply chains.
Our Ethical Compliance data is available on this secure platform for sharing and viewing information on labour standards, health and safety, the environment and business ethics.